Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You actually would usually start your work out with this particular exercise and you will only perform one all-out work set after having a nice warm-up. Make an effort to go as heavy as you possibly can for the one set. A very good target is 90 - 100% of what your own max full squat is normally. In essence, you are going to perform 50 quarter-squats as quickly as possible. Due the first ten reps exploding on to your toes, and then on reps 11-20 always keep your heels down on the way upwards, after that, burst on to your toes once more while carrying out reps 21-30, keep your heels all the way down for repetitions 31-40 after which finish the final 10 repetitions by bursting onto your toes again. Consider using a partner count out loud so you can execute all 50 reps as fast as possible without having to break momentum. This can be a good work out for athletes having poor elastic component.

Depth Jumps - A "depth jump" (somtimes called a "shock jump") is accomplished by stepping off of a box and after that exploding upward immediately upon landing on the ground. We all use boxes of different heights, depending upon the level of player we’re training. By just stepping off of a box, the muscles are rapidly stretched after landing, which enables them to contract stronger and faster while bursting up (much like what we were writing about with the box squats and the bands). The goal of this workout is actually to spend the smallest amount of time on the floor as is possible. We like to use .15 seconds as a guideline. If the player spends more time on the floor, it's no longer an authentic plyometric workout due to the fact the amortization stage is simply too long. If executed correctly, we have found this work out to be very beneficial. The problem is that the majority of players and instructors that perform this particular workout don’t abide by these guidelines. If an athlete crumbles much like a deck of cards upon hitting the ground and after that takes 5 minutes to leap back into the air; this is either too big or the person isn’t advanced enough to be undertaking this exercise.

Trap Bar Deadlifts, off a 4” box - Trap bars are diamond-shaped bars which allow you to perform deadlifts along with shrugs by located inside of the bar, compared to having the bar in front of you. This places less pressure on the low back/spine. A lot of players feel significantly more comfortable working with these kinds of bars as opposed to straight bars while deadlifting. That is why, we really feel they are a fantastic technique for a lot of players - young and old. We have gotten a number of athletes who swore they'd never deadlift ever again, to start deadlifting as a result of trap bar. One thing we prefer to due is have our players trap bar lift while positioned on a 4” box. Again, by increasing the range, the hamstrings are actually further stimulated. This will greatly improve your personal jumping and running ability. A person can certainly make use of varying box heights, yet we’ve found four in to be ideal for growing your range of motion even while not causing a breaking down in the athlete’s form.


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